How I Do
Check out the message I left on the home page of my current re-design project: Seriously, though. Who does that? Oh, but if you ever consider hiring me for your web development project, I promise to be less messy. (By which I mean, I promise to try.) In garden news, we have tomatoes! Almost!
Time to get to work
I’ve kind of already been working since a whole week ago. Some of my current projects as they connect to my main objectives for the year: Objective 1: Get Healthy Build a morning habit of walking & yoga Grow my little garden to produce food year round Objective 2: Do Art Build a habit of
Her Birthday
Remember blogging from before we cared about SEO or hawking other people’s products or building landing pages for funnels? It’s been a while. I’m not saying this website isn’t going to try and sell something, too. It will… eventually. But for now, I’m enjoying the almost vintage blogging experience of just sharing my thoughts because I
The Plan
SO what’s the big plan for 2024? Here’s the main idea: Get healthy Do art Build solutions Make money I’ve been on a bit of a health journey for the last few months…a very slow journey, one that is currently sitting in a setback thanks to the holiday season. My first priority is to get
Hello 2024
I’m a resolution maker. I love to plan. My plans are huge and elaborate and beautiful …and detailed and complicated and ridiculously ambitious. That’s not a bad thing, I’ve reasoned after many years of results that might disappoint others. If I aim for the stars and only reach the moon… I made it to the